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30+1 Before 30 (My Bucket List)

30 + 1 Before 30( My Bucket List) Hello guys, I'm back and I'll be sharing my bucket list before turning 30.       I know that all of us have many plans and dreams that we want to achieve. I have many plans and dreams before turning 30 years old. Today I'll be sharing my bucket least before turning 30. I know that I'm too young to already make a bucket list but I know that it is better this way so that I can do all the things I have to do for having enough time. I want to enjoy it for a very long time and I want to enjoy this with my family and friends. Making a bucket list in a young age is better because it can serve as an inspiration to study hard so that we can achieve all of that. Here's my bucket list: 1. Graduate 2. Learn how to drive any vehicle except for bicycle 3. Cook my favorite dishes on my own 4. Find a decent job 5. Meet my Filipino  idols 6. Meet my K POP idols and also my favorite Korean actors 7. Make friends as many as I

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